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crespi enrico

crespi enrico

For years, I worked in Nepal in projects related to education, health, community development in the area of Kavre, Chitwan and Kathmandu. More than 8000 children and 60.000 people were the beneficiaries of our work done in cooperation with community and local organizations. In 2005 we started up the same projects in Cambodia. Before I collaborated with Tribhuvan University and other organizations. I wrote several guide and travel books on Nepal and himalayan countries and collaborated in shooting documentaries on Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim and Mozambique. Now I decided to work again in a private company fed up by most of the methods and people in the self-called no-profit organizations. I am sorry for the local people really committed in creating opportunities and hopes.


  • Primo articolo martedì 11 Novembre 2009
  • Moderatore da martedì 11 Novembre 2009
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