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Donne rapite dagli adepti del Buddha Boy, Ram Bahadur Bamjan

Di mareechi (---.---.---.39) 31 luglio 2019 15:33

Hi, I am that Slovak victim about whom you are writing. Do not get discouraged by the above troll comment because the followers of Ram Bomjon will always fight till their last drop to elevate him as a god. In fact, he is a criminal. He had abducted me and held me 3 months on chains. He had really tortured that other Nepali woman (Mata Ani) as well, brutally. I describe my experiences on my website: https://halkoriatimes.wordpress.com/2019/01/14/three-months-on-chains-in-ram-bomjons-hell/ . In 2018 and 2019 many independent police reports appeared against him, including direct rape of a minor nun Ganga Maya Tamang, a murder of his monk Sancha Lal Waiwa witnessed by two eyewitnesses disappearance of 5 of his nuns and monks and one of his former girlfriends Rita Bot. These criminal cases are found here: https://halkoriatimes.wordpress.com/2019/01/07/media-on-maha-sambodhi-dharma-sanghas-2018-criminal-endevours/

Old criminal cases of Bomjon: https://mediaonrambahadurbomjon.wordpress.com/

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