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Commento di Francesco Sellari

su La difficile risoluzione della questione Palestina

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Francesco Sellari Francesco Sellari 4 novembre 2011 12:03

Sulla questione del valico di Rafah e del blocco navale, riporto una faq dal sito della nave Tahrir

Will the Freedom Flotilla II continue if Egypt opens the Rafah border?
A: Yes, we will still continue with our plans. The maritime blockade by Israel remains a major obstacle toward achieving normal life in Gaza. The Canadian Boat to Gaza and the Freedom Flotilla movement will continue our work until the port of Gaza is opened to ensure free circulation of goods and people. Gaza is the only port on the Mediterranean which is closed to shipping and the only coastal area in the world which cannot access its own territorial waters. Until the Palestinians of Gaza can travel freely and trade with the world, we will continue to challenge this illegal military blockade.

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