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su Siamo senza soldi per colpa dell'euro?

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1 ottobre 2014 04:09

"la solita storia sciocca che l’euro non funziona (?) perché la BCE non fa da prestatore di ultima istanza come invece fa la FED"

Hahaha! Draghi 22-8-2014: “Since 2010 the euro area has suffered from fiscal policy being less available and effective, especially compared with other large advanced economies. This is not so much a consequence of high initial debt ratios – public debt is in aggregate not higher in the euro area than in the US or Japan. It reflects the fact that the central bank in those countries could act and has acted as a backstop for government funding. This is an important reason why markets spared their fiscal authorities the loss of confidence that constrained many euro area governments’ market access. This has in turn allowed fiscal consolidation in the US and Japan to be more backloaded…

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