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Commento di Geri Steve

su Botto di Wikileaks: lo scandalo Stratfor

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Geri Steve 27 febbraio 2012 22:34

Era un segreto di pulcinella, ma adesso ci sarebbero le prove

Osama Bin Laden e l’ISI pachistano erano in accordo:


Stratfor: Osama bin Laden ’was in routine contact with Pakistan’s spy agency’

Osama bin Laden was in routine contact with several senior figures from Pakistan’s military intelligence agency while in hiding in the country, according to a large cache of secret intelligence files.

The e-mail, from a Stratfor analyst, suggested that up to 12 officials in Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency knew of the al-Qaeda leader’s safe house.

The internal email did not name the Pakistani officials involved but said the US could use the information as a bargaining chip in post raid negotiations with Islamabad.

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