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Commento di Truman Burbank

su Istruzione: buttarsi alle spalle Giovanni Gentile

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Truman Burbank 20 ottobre 2009 13:28

Sometimes, I like speaking English. I find this language very simple to be used, even if I did not learn it at school. Really, I studied English, but the language studied in the Italian school was very different from the spoken language used in many countries of the world. So I needed to learn again English "on the field". This task was not so difficult, after many years spent in studying Latin, because I had learnt how to organize the words in a different grammar and, much more important, how to recognize a sense, a meaning, in a text that at the first look seemed completely obscure. During years of study of ancient languages, I reachead in developing strategies for the extraction of meaning from (con)texts. This ability appear to me much more important of the ritual repetition of techniques related to a specific discipline.


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