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 Home page > Tempo Libero > Incredibile ma vero! > “Luke, sono tuo padre”: il bambino scioccato dalla rivelazione di Star (...)

“Luke, sono tuo padre”: il bambino scioccato dalla rivelazione di Star Wars

Impazza sul web il video di un bambino colpito dalla rivelazione finale de "L' impero colpisce ancora".

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  • Di (---.---.---.80) 20 aprile 2012 09:25

    The market in fake high end goods is worth hundreds of millions of dollars to those who profit from it. The majority of designer replicas are produced by organized crime gangs who use the fake oakley money to fund much darker criminal activities such as drug running, the illegal arms trade, prostitution, child abuse and human trafficking. The majority of knock offs are produced by children working in appalling working conditions and earning pennies.Counterfeit sunglasses do not offer an adequate level of protection for your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. Exposure to ultra-violet (UV) rays can damage your eyes irreparably. Long term exposure to the sun’s UV rays can result in cataracts, macular degeneration (which can make it difficult or even impossible to read or recognise people’s

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