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Un silenzioso scandalo finanziario di portata intergalattica?

Di Emiliano Di Marco (---.---.---.226) 19 dicembre 2011 16:34
Emiliano Di Marco

Non mi risulta, da quello che ho letto, che Yamaguchi sia uno "scappato di casa", tra l’altro è strano che due tizi vengano farmati con titoli "falsi" (pensare che la Mafia volesse piazzare 134 mld di dollari falsi in titoli di Stato nelle banche Svizzere è pura follia) e poi rilasciati. Cmq

"Akihiko Yamaguchi is a Japanese citizen who was born in December 1954 and who, in approximately 1986, at the age of thirty-two (32), through his international trade business in Taiwan, was introduced to Mr. Sei Sasaki, who had devoted almost forty (40) years of his life and enjoyed a brotherly relationship with a person at the highest levels of the Dragon Family. Yamaguchi was considered a "son" by Mr. Sasaki, and he was ultimately introduced to the Head of the Dragon Family, General Haan, who, together with other high level members of the Dragon Family, educated him over the years about the accumulation and ownership of the assets held and controlled by the Dragon Family. Upon their meeting, Yamaguchi was appointed a formal member of the Dragon Family by the top person in the Organization, and thereafter began to devote his entire professional career to the Dragon Family from the time he was 35 years old until the present. Mr. Sasaki died when Yamaguchi was 40 years old."

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