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Commento di Gianni Morra

su Covid-19: alla ricerca di un farmaco

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Gianni Morra 28 ottobre 2024 11:37


by Aleth Friday, May. 03, 2024 at 9:53 AM

This pharmanazi myth, this umpteenth lie about a non-existent, allegedly pandemic virus called H5N1...

This pharmanazi myth, this umpteenth lie about a non-existent, allegedly pandemic virus called H5N1, is nothing but a rehash of old, pig-pharm-sponsored pseudoscience dating as far back as 1997, and exposed in 2005 :


The complete lack of any serious scientific evidence for the very existence of this alleged .irus is nothing new : same fable as for "sars cov 2" and its innumerable, ludicrous alleged .ariants.

David Crowe, one of 2 coauthors of the great paper I´ve just linked above, was a fine, marvellous scientist and person : a Canadian, well versed in biology, math, electronics and Italian language, he became my correspondent in the first months of the first spamdemic back in 2020.

I was immensely saddened by his death in July that year - he had been terminally ill with cancer for some time, I hadn´t known that. I was about to be featured on his Twitter podcast as a guest speaker, having found mathematical proof that ISTAT stats for alleged ".ovid" cases in Italy were fraudulent.

But his legacy lives on : you were and are one of my heroes David - God bless your kind soul.

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